Short and sweet this week. Only a couple of days until school breaks up for Christmas and I close up shop for a couple of weeks. Whilst my kids are now at an age where they don't really need constant supervision any more, I still find that my levels of productivity fall off the charts when they're at home.  So this year, I've decided that I'm going to completely down tools for the holidays. That doesn't mean that I shan't have a camera in my hands for the entire break or that I'll avoid heading out into the hills but I'm not taking any commercial bookings, there'll be no stock library uploads and no new fine art prints released. It's been a testing few months one way or another and I'm really looking forward to a self-enforced break!

Oh, and the photos? They're from Higger Tor in the Peak District a few days ago. Conditions weren't exactly ideal and I had another decidedly inconsiderate photographer plonk himself slap bang in the middle of my scene. No amount of wildly gesticulating or shouting got his attention even though I was wearing my bright orange Arc'teryx jacket.

In retrospect, I could quite easily clone him out in Photoshop but in all honesty I think that he adds a bit of an anchor and some scale to the images. So I'll keep him in after all!

Both images shot on Fujis, tweaked in Lightroom and then further processed in Photoshop and Color Efex 4.